2013-10-20 - NWBT and SCT with Stephanie

^z 28th February 2023 at 8:33pm

~15 miles @ ~14 min/mi

Stephanie Fonda demonstrates the benefits of cross-training by lifting a rock beside Northwest Branch Trail. This Sunday morning we do a fun loop from the New Place, across Wheaton Regional Park, and down Northwest Branch Trail, over boulders and under the Beltway. We scare three big deer drinking from the stream and greet innumerable dog-walkers.

When we reach New Hampshire Av we take Piney Branch Rd across University Blvd, pausing to buy a cup of coffee at La Pollera, a friendly hole-in-the-wall where chickens rotate slowly on a spit above glowing charcoal. The trek back to the start is via Sligo Creek Trail. Splendid conversation lifts our spirits throughout, and it's perfect prep for the Fire on the Mountain 50k in western Maryland next Sunday. Thank you, Stephanie!

Runkeeper and Garmin GPS record the route.

^z - 2013-11-04